Customized Care for Low-Risk Events

Basic First Aid

This level of care is specifically developed for events that are classified as low risk according to the National Guide for Medical Advisory on Public Events (LHGAP). The LHGAP is a guideline that assists in determining the necessary medical care at events, taking into account factors such as the number of attendees, the nature of the event, and the location.

Our basic first aid providers are well-equipped to respond quickly and effectively to common incidents at events, such as:

  • Minor injuries (cuts, abrasions)
  • Mild burns
  • Simple sprains or bruises
  • Heat exhaustion or dehydration
  • Allergic reactions

All deployed basic first aid providers hold valid certifications in accordance with the standards of the Orange Cross or other recognized training institutions. This ensures that they possess the most up-to-date knowledge and skills in first aid.

Our first aid providers are regularly retrained and drilled in specific scenarios that may occur during events. This ensures that they are not only proficient in general first aid but also well-prepared for the unique challenges that events can present.

By choosing our basic first aid services, you are assured of:

  • Professional care that meets all legal requirements
  • Providers with experience in the dynamics of events
  • Flexible deployment tailored to the specific needs of your event
  • Peace of mind for both organizers and attendees

Would you like to learn more about how our basic first aid services can make your event safer? Contact us for a free consultation.

Medical Event assistance

More services

From basic first aid to specialized emergency care, we offer appropriate medical support for every event.